All Classes and Interfaces

A very minimal abstract hash implementation.
An abstract implementation of Rank providing a few obvious derived methods.
A data structure providing primitives for balanced parentheses represented in a bit array.
A temporary store of signatures virtually divided into buckets.
A bucket returned by a BucketedHashStore.
Denotes that the bucketed hash store contains a duplicate signature.
A minimal perfect hash function implemented using the “hash, displace and compress” technique.
A builder class for CHDMinimalPerfectHashFunction.
Please use a BucketedHashStore, which provides accurate bucket sizing.
A chunk returned by a ChunkedHashStore.
Denotes that the chunked hash store contains a duplicate hash triple.
A class representing a specific instantaneous code for compressed functions.
A binary fixed-width codec.
A coder: provides methods to turn symbols into codewords.
A decoder: provides a method to turn sequences of bits into symbols.
A codec based on Elias's γ code (starting at zero).
A Huffman codec with length-limiting capabilities and a fast canonical decoder.
A unary codec (starting at zero).
A degenerate stateless codec (always returns zero).
An extension of EliasFanoMonotoneLongBigList providing indexing (i.e., content-based addressing).
A compressed big list of longs; each element occupies a number of bits bounded by one plus its bit length plus the logarithm of the average bit length of an element.
An implementation of Elias–Fano's representation of monotone sequences identical to EliasFanoMonotoneLongBigList, but slightly slower and without size limitations.
An implementation of Elias–Fano's representation of monotone sequences; an element occupies a number of bits bounded by two plus the logarithm of the average gap.
A compressed big list of longs providing prefix sums; an element occupies a number of bits bounded by two plus the logarithm of the average value.
A wrapper exhibiting the lines of a file as a big list.
An iterator over the lines of a FileLinesBigList.
A wrapper exhibiting the lines of a file as a list.
An iterator over the lines of a FileLinesList.
An immutable function stored quasi-succinctly using the Genuzio-Ottaviano-Vigna method to solve F2-linear systems.
A builder class for GOV3Function.
An immutable function stored quasi-succinctly using the Genuzio-Ottaviano-Vigna method to solve F2-linear systems.
A builder class for GOV4Function.
A minimal perfect hash function stored using the Genuzio-Ottaviano-Vigna 3-regular F3-linear system technique.
A builder class for GOVMinimalPerfectHashFunction.
An immutable function stored in a compressed form.
An immutable function stored in a compressed form.
Basic hash functions.
A hinted binary-search select implementation.
A distributor based on a hollow trie.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses a hollow trie as a distributor.
A hollow trie, that is, a compacted trie recording just the length of the paths associated to the internal nodes.
A class implementing the 3-hypergraph edge sorting procedure that is necessary for the Majewski-Wormald-Havas-Czech technique.
An implementation of Jacobson's balanced parentheses data structure.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses longest common prefixes as distributors.
A class implementing generation and solution of a random 3-regular linear system on F2 or F3 using the techniques described by Marco Genuzio, Giuseppe Ottaviano and Sebastiano Vigna in “Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions”, 15th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms — SEA 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2016.
A class implementing generation and solution of a random 4-regular linear system on F2 using the techniques described by Marco Genuzio, Giuseppe Ottaviano and Sebastiano Vigna in “Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions”, 15th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms — SEA 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2016.
A builder class for MinimalPerfectHashFunction.
Solver for linear systems on F2.
An equation on F2.
Solver for linear systems on F3.
An equation on F3.
Please a GOV3Function or a GOV4Function.
A builder class for MWHCFunction.
Commodity class implementing the selfless algorithm for the orientation of a 3-hypergraph.
A succinct implementation of a binary partial compacted trie based on a recursive bitstream.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses a partial compacted binary trie (PaCo trie) as distributor.
A data structure providing ranking over a bit array.
A rank11 implementation.
A rank16 implementation.
A rank9 implementation.
A serialisation-oriented container for associated rank/select(zero) structures.
A data structure providing selection over a bit array.
A select9 implementation.
A data structure providing zero selection over a bit array.
A string map based on a signed function.
A big version of SimpleSelect that can only be used with a LongBigArrayBitVector (or long big arrays).
A big version of SimpleSelectZero that can only be used with a LongBigArrayBitVector (or long big arrays).
A simple select implementation based on a two-level inventory, a spill list and broadword bit search.
A simple zero-select implementation based on a two-level inventory, a spill list and broadword bit search.
A rank implementation for sparse bit arrays based on the Elias–Fano representation of monotone functions.
A select implementation for sparse bit arrays based on the Elias–Fano representation of monotone functions.
A compressed big list of longs; small elements and large elements are stored separately, using two different, optimally chosen bit sizes.
A function stored using two GOV3Functions—one for frequent values, and one for infrequent values.
A builder class for TwoStepsGOV3Function.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses longest common prefixes as distributors, and store their lengths using a TwoStepsGOV3Function.
A builder class for TwoStepsMWHCFunction.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses longest common prefixes as distributors, and store their lengths using a GOVMinimalPerfectHashFunction indexing an EliasFanoLongBigList.
A version of a PaCoTrieDistributor whose space usage depends on the average string length, rather than on the maximum string length; mainly of theoretical interest.
A version of a PaCoTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction whose space usage depends on the average string length, rather than on the maximum string length; mainly of theoretical interest.
A z-fast trie, that is, a predecessor/successor data structure using low linear (in the number of keys) additional space and answering to the query string x in time |x|/w + log(max{|x|, |x-|, |x+|}) with high probability, where w is the machine word size, and x-/x+ are the predecessor/successor of x in the currently stored set, respectively.
A linear-probing hash map that compares keys using signatures as a first try.
A internal node.
An external node, a.k.a. leaf.
A node of the trie.
A distributor based on a z-fast trie.
A monotone minimal perfect hash implementation based on fixed-size bucketing that uses a z-fast trie as a distributor.