Class ZFastTrie<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectBidirectionalIterable<T>, ObjectCollection<T>, ObjectIterable<T>, ObjectSet<T>, ObjectSortedSet<T>, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, Set<T>, SortedSet<T>

public class ZFastTrie<T> extends AbstractObjectSortedSet<T> implements Serializable
A z-fast trie, that is, a predecessor/successor data structure using low linear (in the number of keys) additional space and answering to the query string x in time |x|/w + log(max{|x|, |x-|, |x+|}) with high probability, where w is the machine word size, and x-/x+ are the predecessor/successor of x in the currently stored set, respectively.

In rough terms, the z-fast trie uses time |x|/w (which is optimal) to actually look at the string content, and log(max{|x|, |x-|, |x+|}) to perform the search. This is known to be (essentially) optimal. String lengths are up to Integer.MAX_VALUE, and not limited to be a constant multiple of w for the bounds to hold.

The linear overhead of a z-fast trie is very low. For n keys we allocate 2n − 1 nodes containing six references and two longs, plus a dictionary containing n − 1 nodes (thus using around 2n references and 2n longs).

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      public static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • handle2Node

      public transient ZFastTrie.Handle2NodeMap<T> handle2Node
      A dictionary mapping handles to the corresponding internal nodes.
  • Constructor Details

    • ZFastTrie

      public ZFastTrie(TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform)
      Creates a new z-fast trie using the given transformation strategy.
      transform - a transformation strategy that must turn distinct elements into distinct, prefix-free bit vectors.
    • ZFastTrie

      public ZFastTrie(Iterator<? extends T> elements, TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform)
      Creates a new z-fast trie using the given elements and transformation strategy.
      elements - an iterator returning the elements to be inserted in the trie.
      transform - a transformation strategy that must turn distinct elements into distinct, prefix-free bit vectors.
    • ZFastTrie

      public ZFastTrie(Iterable<? extends T> elements, TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform)
      Creates a new z-fast trie using the given elements and transformation strategy.
      elements - an iterator returning the elements to be inserted in the trie.
      transform - a transformation strategy that must turn distinct elements into distinct, prefix-free bit vectors.
  • Method Details

    • size

      public int size()
      Specified by:
      size in interface Collection<T>
      Specified by:
      size in interface Set<T>
      Specified by:
      size in class AbstractCollection<T>
    • twoFattest

      public static final long twoFattest(long a, long b)
      Returns the 2-fattest number in an interval.

      Note that to get the length of the handle of a node you must call this function passing the length of the extent of the parent (one less than the node name) and the length of the extent of the node.

      a - left extreme, ≥-1 (excluded).
      b - right extreme, ≥ 0 (included).
      the 2-fattest number in (a..b].
    • checkMask

      public static final long checkMask(long a, long b)
      Returns the mask used for check for 2-fattest numbers when the left extreme of the interval is not -1.

      Note that to get the length of the handle of a node you must call this function passing the length of the extent of the parent (one less than the node name) and the length of the extent of the node.

      a - left extreme, ≥-1 (excluded).
      b - right extreme, ≥ 0 (included).
      −1 ≪ λ(ab), the initial mask for fat binary search in (a..b].
    • checkMask

      public static final long checkMask(long b)
      Returns the mask used for check for 2-fattest numbers when the left extreme of the interval is −1.
      b - right extreme, ≥ 0 (included).
      −1 ≪ λb + 1, the initial mask for fat binary search in (-1..b].
    • add

      public boolean add(T k)
      Specified by:
      add in interface Collection<T>
      Specified by:
      add in interface Set<T>
      add in class AbstractCollection<T>
    • remove

      public boolean remove(Object k)
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Collection<T>
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Set<T>
      remove in class AbstractCollection<T>
    • getParentExitNode

      public ZFastTrie.ParexData<T> getParentExitNode(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, ObjectArrayList<ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T>> stack)
      Returns the parent of the exit node of a given bit vector.
      v - a bit vector.
      state - the hash state of v precomputed by Hashes.preprocessMurmur(BitVector, long).
      stack - a stack that will be filled with the 2-fat ancestors.
      the parent of the exit node of v, or null if the exit node is the root.
    • getGrandParentExitNode

      public void getGrandParentExitNode(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, ObjectArrayList<ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T>> stack)
      Returns the grandparent of the exit node of a given bit vector.
      v - a bit vector.
      state - the hash state of v precomputed by Hashes.preprocessMurmur(BitVector, long).
      stack - a nonempty stack as filled by getParentExitNode(LongArrayBitVector, long[], ObjectArrayList); the top of the stack must not be the root.
    • fatBinarySearchStack

      protected void fatBinarySearchStack(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, ObjectArrayList<ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T>> stack, long b)
      Performs a non-exact fat binary search with stack.
      v - the bit vector on which to perform the search.
      state - preprocessed MurmurHash state for v.
      stack - a stack where the results of the search will be cumulated.
      b - the right extreme of the search interval, ≥ −1 (included).
    • fatBinarySearchStackExact

      protected void fatBinarySearchStackExact(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, ObjectArrayList<ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T>> stack, long b)
      Performs an exact fat binary search with stack.
      v - the bit vector on which to perform the search.
      state - preprocessed MurmurHash state for v.
      stack - a stack where the results of the search will be cumulated.
      b - the right extreme of the search interval, ≥ −1 (included).
    • completeFatBinarySearchStack

      protected void completeFatBinarySearchStack(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, ObjectArrayList<ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T>> stack, long a, long b)
      Completes the stack of a previous successful fat binary search.
      v - the bit vector on which to perform the search.
      state - preprocessed MurmurHash state for v.
      stack - a stack where the results of the completion will be cumulated.
      a - the left extreme of the completion interval, ≥ −1 (excluded)
      b - the right extreme of the completion interval, ≥ a (included).
    • fatBinarySearch

      protected ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T> fatBinarySearch(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, long b)
      Performs a non-exact fat binary search.
      v - the bit vector on which to perform the search.
      state - preprocessed MurmurHash state for v.
      b - the right extreme of the search interval, ≥ −1 (included).
      the parent of the exit node or the exit node, in case of success; an arbitrary node otherwise.
    • fatBinarySearchExact

      protected ZFastTrie.InternalNode<T> fatBinarySearchExact(LongArrayBitVector v, long[] state, long b)
      Performs an exact fat binary search.
      v - the bit vector on which to perform the search.
      state - preprocessed MurmurHash state for v.
      b - the right extreme of the search interval, ≥ −1 (included).
      the parent of the exit node.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Object o)
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Collection<T>
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Set<T>
      contains in class AbstractCollection<T>
    • successor

      public T successor(T lowerBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is greater than or equal to the provided bound.
      lowerBound - a lower bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is greater than or equal to lowerBound, or null if no such element exists.
    • ceiling

      public T ceiling(T lowerBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is greater than or equal to the provided bound.
      lowerBound - a lower bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is greater than or equal to lowerBound, or null if no such element exists.
      Implementation Specification:
      This method just delegates to successor(Object).
    • strictSuccessor

      public T strictSuccessor(T lowerBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is greater than the provided bound.
      lowerBound - a strict lower bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is greater than lowerBound, or tail if no such element exists.
    • higher

      public T higher(T lowerBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is greater than the provided bound.
      lowerBound - a strict lower bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is greater than lowerBound, or tail if no such element exists.
      Implementation Specification:
      This method just delegates to strictSuccessor(Object).
    • predecessor

      public T predecessor(T upperBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is smaller than the provided bound.
      upperBound - a strict upper bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is smaller than upperBound, or head if no such element exists.
    • lower

      public T lower(T upperBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is smaller than the provided bound.
      upperBound - a strict upper bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is smaller than upperBound, or head if no such element exists.
      Implementation Specification:
      This method just delegates to predecessor(Object).
    • weakPredecessor

      public T weakPredecessor(T upperBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is smaller than or equal to the provided bound.
      upperBound - an upper bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is smaller than or equal to upperBound, or head if no such element exists.
    • floor

      public T floor(T upperBound)
      Returns the first element in the trie that is smaller than or equal to the provided bound.
      upperBound - an upper bound on the returned value.
      the first element in the trie that is smaller than or equal to upperBound, or head if no such element exists.
      Implementation Specification:
      This method just delegates to weakPredecessor(Object).
    • isNonempty

      public boolean isNonempty(T lowerBound, T upperBound)
      Returns whether there is an element between the given bounds.
      lowerBound - a lower bound.
      upperBound - an upper bound.
      true if there is an element in the interval [lowerBound...upperBound).
    • iterator

      public ObjectBidirectionalIterator<T> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Collection<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectBidirectionalIterable<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectCollection<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectIterable<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectSet<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectSortedSet<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Set<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in class AbstractObjectSortedSet<T>
    • iterator

      public ObjectBidirectionalIterator<T> iterator(T from)
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ObjectSortedSet<T>
    • comparator

      public Comparator<? super T> comparator()
      Specified by:
      comparator in interface SortedSet<T>
    • first

      public T first()
      Specified by:
      first in interface SortedSet<T>
    • last

      public T last()
      Specified by:
      last in interface SortedSet<T>
    • headSet

      public ObjectSortedSet<T> headSet(T arg0)
      Specified by:
      headSet in interface ObjectSortedSet<T>
      Specified by:
      headSet in interface SortedSet<T>
    • subSet

      public ObjectSortedSet<T> subSet(T arg0, T arg1)
      Specified by:
      subSet in interface ObjectSortedSet<T>
      Specified by:
      subSet in interface SortedSet<T>
    • tailSet

      public ObjectSortedSet<T> tailSet(T arg0)
      Specified by:
      tailSet in interface ObjectSortedSet<T>
      Specified by:
      tailSet in interface SortedSet<T>
    • main

      public static void main(String[] arg) throws NoSuchMethodException, IOException, JSAPException